THS Percussion Ensemble Performs at UT Percussion Festival

April 23, 2017

On Saturday, April 22, the Tennessee High School Percussion Ensemble traveled to Knoxville for the University of Tennessee's Annual Percussion Festival. While there, the ensemble performed two selections ("Carnival Overture" and "Sleepless") for renowned percussion performer and teacher, Dr. James Campbell.

Dr. Campbell, professor of percussion studies at the University of Kentucky, then worked with the THS Percussion Ensemble on their two selections. The students performed extremely well and learned a lot from the critique.

In addition to performing, the THS students got to listen to other regional high school percussion ensembles. They even got to observe two master classes from professional percussionists - Keith Brown and James Campbell.

Three students from THS were selected to participate in the UT Honors Percussion Ensemble which ran concurrently with the festival. These students were Sophia J., Grayson P., and Molly P. During the festival, these three THS students performed a concert with other selected high school percussionists!

Congratulations to these three students, along with the entire THS Percussion Ensemble, on a fantastic day of learning and performing!
